January 16th: "I have been looking forward to the time I have babies."

Jan. 16th, 1986 (Age 7, Evansburg, New Hampshire)

Dear diary, I have been looking forward to the time I have babies. I want a girl and then another girl. Girls are nicer then boys are.

*   *   *   *   *

Wednesday, January 16th, 1991 (Age 12, Evansburg)

Hi! This is my last entry in this diary. I can finally start writing in the new diary I got for Christmas.
     I stayed home again today. I don’t know how many times I’ve watched Indiana Jones by now. We haven’t rented any movies yet. There are so many I want to see again, or for the first time.
     I am going to school tomorrow.
     I can’t think of anything to write about. Oh, I know.... Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye!!!

*   *   *   *   *

Thursday, January 16th, 1992 (Age 13, Evansburg)

I just got back from a meeting of the local Civil War Society that I went to with Evangeline. It was pretty boring. It was all old people.
     My aunt and uncle haven’t arrived from Calgary yet, but I have to sleep in the playroom tonight anyway. I hope they don’t stay long. I’m losing what I treasure most, the privacy of my bedroom.

*   *   *   *   *

Saturday, January 16th, 1993 (Age 14, Evansburg)

I got my R.E.M. book which, for the record, is actually entitled Behind the Mask. I'm on page 58 and it's worth the fortune I paid.

*   *   *   *   *

Sunday, January 16th, 1994 (Age 15, Nagasaki, Japan)

My dad says he thinks I should spend my last two years of high school in the States! He brought the subject up himself, and he said that New Hampshire, Colorado or Virginia would all be options because I'd have a place to stay. I can't imagine living with any of my relatives, and especially not with my half-brother Joe when he'll just be a newlywed! All I have to do is to get Evangeline to invite me to come live with her. I've been dropping hints in my latest letters, but she hasn't written back yet. There aren't any extra rooms at Evangeline's house like there are at Mandy's and Sonia's, but I couldn't stand staying with either of them. Evangeline is my only hope. I've been having dreams about her and going to Evansburg High since I got here, and now I think it's been an omen all along!

*   *   *   *   *

Monday, January 16th, 1995 (Age 16, Kobe, Japan)

I skipped school after second period. I just told the nurse I had cramps and a headache and she let me come back to the dorm. I only missed gym and study hall. I couldn't concentrate in class because I kept remembering Sei and this past weekend. I needed to get it out of my system, and I did.
     I'd like to see him tomorrow, but Jess is finally going to be free and I want to hang out with her. We're going to go look around in Sannomiya since we haven't been there in so long.
     I don't know where we're going to go at night. They won't let us into Bar Pacer anymore, supposedly. I don't like hanging around with Amy Anderson and the sophomore bunch, and it's also dangerous to be around too many kids from my school at a bar because they're so obvious.

*   *   *   *   *

Tuesday, January 16th, 1996 (Age 17, Kobe)

I’ve been having trouble finding time to get my math homework done lately. Tonight in study hours I had to watch Becket for English class. I barely managed to stay awake.

*   *   *   *   *

Thursday, January 16th, 1997 (Age 18, Exton, New Brunswick)

I only went to the morning lecture and skipped my other two classes. My family and Sei all ate a buffet dinner at a restaurant. They're going back to Maryland tomorrow, but then they're going immediately to Colorado to visit Joe. I think that's unnecessary. Mom would have liked to go to Colorado, but Dad would never have taken her.

*   *   *   *   *

Friday, January 16th, 1998 (Age 19, Exton)

Yuko, Sei and I went to play pool, briefly. It was a nice, quiet evening.

*   *   *   *   *

Saturday, January 16th, 1999 (Age 20, Exton)

Today feels like Sunday, since we went downtown last night and Thursday. We went to a used furniture store and I bought a mattress for my brother, since he's practically been sleeping on the floor since November.

*   *   *   *   *

Sunday, January 16th, 2000 (Age 21, Exton)

I thought I had a communications meeting for work this afternoon, but it's next Sunday. I went to see the movie Snow Falling on Cedars by myself, then I rented a video, then I watched another video in Yuko's room. It's snowing and the wind is strong. I could barely get across the street to come home.

*   *   *   *   *

Tuesday, January 16th, 2001 (Age 22, Kobe)

We've just talked to Sei's parents about our apartment plans and our finances and it seems to be, as Sei would say, "going to good way." When his mom heard we have $12,000 saved she said, "You guys are rich!" That made me happy because I was afraid they'd think it wasn't enough money for an apartment. His father gives money to Sei's brother as an allowance, so he's going to give me $500 a month just to make it equal. I'd like to put it into savings in the States if we don't need it. Also they're going to give us their fridge and the bed we're using now.

*   *   *   *   *

Wednesday, January 16th, 2002 (Age 23, Kobe)

I think I have a yeast infection, but I don't have a doctor I can go to so I can't find out. I've never had one before but I've been itchy for over a week.

*   *   *   *   *

Thursday, January 16th, 2003 (Age 24, Kobe)

I think I wrecked my sewing machine's motor, and I saw a new machine on sale for 10,000 yen. If it's still there next week I'll buy it, but right now I have no more money.

*   *   *   *   *

Friday, January 16th, 2004 (Age 25, Kobe)

I had to help Alexa again tonight, and next Tuesday too. I haven't been home much this week and my inbox has 180 unread emails. We'll be away this weekend because we're going up to our friend's holiday home in the mountains again. I'd rather stay here because I know it's going to be freezing with only that wood stove.

*   *   *   *   *

Sunday, January 16th, 2005 (Age 26, Kobe)

I made a yummy lasagna and am just waiting for Sei to come home to eat it. Today I took Penn to the river and went to the 100 yen shop.
     Since Tuesday morning Penn has had some kind of sore on his upper lip. It's all pink where the rest is black, and a tiny patch on his nose, too. I hope it doesn't spread because I don't want him to have a pink nose. I thought maybe he got too close to the frozen rails on the balcony and took the skin off, but it's not getting any better. It's smooth and slightly puffy. I know he didn't have it Monday night when I gave him a bath. It could also be from the shampoo, his new food, or rough-housing with Sei's mom's dog.

*   *   *   *   *

Monday, January 16th, 2006 (Age 27, Kobe)

Penn and I walked to the mountain park. I wanted to give him a nice day since I couldn't take him to the Japan Kennel Club event with Sei's mom's dog yesterday.

*   *   *   *   *

Tuesday, January 16th, 2007 (Age 28, Kobe)

I'm finally having a night in to myself and I plan to go to bed early, after I take a look through that piano book I bought but haven't had a chance to open.
     I got a surprise phone call from Hiro, but it was just to ask me another grammar question for work. At least he sounds in good spirits.

Disclaimer: This blog is a work of non-fiction. Most personal names (except for those of celebrities) and place names have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals.
