January 20th: “Humans in themselves are marvelous creatures.”

Jan. 20th, 1986 (Age 7, Evansburg, New Hampshire)

Dear diary, this diary has very, very special keys. With them I can lock this book so no one can get in and look at it.

*   *   *   *   *

Sunday, January 20th, 1991 (Age 12, Evansburg)

Hello! Yesterday my family went to the mall. I spent all my money ($20.00) on the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark. It turned out to be pretty good. It wasn’t as good as Indiana Jones and the Last Crusadethough. It didn’t have enough comedy.
     That’s all. Bye!!!

*   *   *   *   *

Monday, January 20th, 1992 (Age 13, Evansburg)

There was no school today because it’s Martin Luther King Day. I stayed home all day and watched Dead Poets Society and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

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Wednesday, January 20th, 1993 (Age 14, Evansburg)

William Jefferson Clinton officially became president of the United States today. Good for you, Bill. He'd better not let me down.

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Thursday, January 20th, 1994 (Age 15, Nagasaki, Japan)

Near the end of December I wrote a letter to a boy who had advertised for a pen pal in the classifieds of a Japanese magazine. I got my first letter from him today. His name is Hiroshi Taniuchi and he's in his first year of college somewhere up north. He sent me two photos, and on the back of one wrote: "I'm sorry I'm not a handsome boy, but please write to me!" Of course I'll write!

*   *   *   *   *

Friday, January 20th, 1995 (Age 16, Nagasaki)

I'm home...again. My flight was at 7:45 a.m. from Kansai Airport, so I had to get up at 5:30. This has been an economical trip -- I went from Kobe to Osaka, spent the night at a hotel, took a cab to the airport, and flew to Nagasaki, all for less than $100!
     I'm so tired. I fell asleep this afternoon and when my mom woke me up for dinner I thought it was the middle of the night. I also took a long shower in glorious hot water and have been eating all day.
     I called Max's house and finally got through. He's fine. I also got ahold of Essi. Her house is also fine, and she's been there the whole time! Jess and I were so worried. We can't get in touch with Antje. I called Sei and he's supposed to call me back tonight. I guess Hiroshi called last night, as did Sei to see if I was home yet but obviously I was at the hotel.

*   *   *   *   *

Saturday, January 20th, 1996 (Age 17, Kobe, Japan)

Today we had the Kansai Music Festival, which was all the bands and choirs from the international schools in our area, plus Nagoya. I didn’t get to meet Sei all day, but I had a great time being with school friends for once.

*   *   *   *   *

Monday, January 20th, 1997 (Age 18, Exton, New Brunswick)

I don't feel that my mother is in heaven. I know that my grandmother is there, and Uncle Stephen, and Chris, but my mother is not. Where could she be? I don't think she can see me at all. Is she on earth again?
     Although I don't place man's cognitive faculties above any other animal's, it's undeniable that humans in themselves are marvelous creatures. What other animal tries the hardest to hurt itself and still manages to live a long life? Then again, maybe our lifespan is supposed to be two hundred years or more.

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Tuesday, January 20th, 1998 (Age 19, Exton)

We haven't made any arrangements with the moving company yet, but we're hoping to move on Friday.

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Wednesday, January 20th, 1999 (Age 20, Exton)

I start my training at the supermarket next Wednesday. I don't suppose they'll pay me for those days. I wonder when I will get paid?
     Jess has email now, so I've gotten a few messages from her. Her boyfriend Kerr has been traveling around Asia with his parents, but he'll be back in Dublin this week for her twenty-first birthday. Sometimes I really miss that place. Especially lately, when the days  in New Brunswick are warm but cloudy, or cool but sunny, it reminds me of my summer there.

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Thursday, January 20th, 2000 (Age 21, Exton)

It was non-stop busy at work. I stayed thirty minutes past my time, but the front manager was all huffy when I said I had to go because I had to get to the library before it closed. That was true, but now my legs are too tired to walk there and back. I'll have to go tomorrow, if I'm not snowed in. Everybody was buying groceries because they think a huge storm is going to hit us overnight. Personally I think they're making a lot out of nothing.

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Saturday, January 20th, 2001 (Age 22, Kobe)

No one was home today but me, and I spent the entire day on the computer moving all my genealogy information from my homepage to my hard drive. I lost it all before when I sold my Mac. I have over ninety pages of information. Now I'm going to reward myself with a hot bath to ease my stiff shoulders from moving the mouse.

*   *   *   *   *

Sunday, January 20th, 2002 (Age 23, Kobe)

I got a call back from the school in Ashiya and I have an interview there tomorrow. I thought it was a small place, but I checked on the internet and it seems quite big. I had a good feeling about it when I talked to the representative on the phone. I didn't hear from the other two places yet but they might have been closed today. The one that called is near JR Ashiya Station, so I could permanently park my bike at Hankyu Ashiyagawa and ride there every day. That would help me lose weight. If they offer me the job and the salary is at least 250,000 yen, I'll probably take it.

*   *   *   *   *

Monday, January 20th, 2003 (Age 24, Kobe)

I hadn't done any housework for a long time, so when I got home I vacuumed, cooked dinner, and gave Juno a bath. He hadn't had one for over a year. Before bed I watched The Simpsons and cross stitched. If I keep busy I don't miss Sei as much and I can resist the urge to call and bug him.

*   *   *   *   *

Tuesday, January 20th, 2004 (Age 25, Kobe)

Finally, Alexa's Peace Boat application is finished and will be sent off tomorrow. I'm so tired of working on it. Only ten more weeks of work to go before we're all free!

*   *   *   *   *

Thursday, January 20th, 2005 (Age 26, Kobe)

For dinner I had curry rice, two glasses of red wine, and two-day-old fried squid. No wonder I don't feel good.

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Friday, January 20th, 2006 (Age 27, Kobe)

Sei's dad still didn't put our money in the bank, but Sei had 5,000 yen and he gave it to me so I could have some time out of the house. I went to Tokyu Hands and Yuzawaya and got a new sticker album and five packs of stickers for my collection. The album is a binder so I can add more pages, but the stickers don't seem to stick to them well. Most of them fall right off when you turn the page. Also the pages have busy patterns so they don't show off the stickers as well.
     This is the highlight of my life right now, haha.

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Saturday, January 20th, 2007 (Age 28, Kobe)

I wanted to take some old books to the English book exchange, so I stopped by Kai's shop because it's on the same road. I ended up drinking coffee and chatting there from 3:00 to 7:00. He works for a small company that sells imported cars, and he's the manager of that branch. Turns out he sold Sei's parents their latest car -- I had a good laugh over that! It's almost as bad as how Yuji went to school with Sei.

Disclaimer: This blog is a work of non-fiction. Most personal names (except for those of celebrities) and place names have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals.
