January 22nd: “You’ll make a decision...that will change your life.”

Jan. 22nd, 1986 (Age 7, Evansburg, New Hampshire)

Dear diary, today is my special day to go to a piano class! My teacher’s name is Claire Boukwitz. She is a very good teacher. She likes the piano.

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Tuesday, January 22nd, 1991 (Age 12, Evansburg)

Hi! I just came back from the eye doctor. My new glasses came in. They’re just clear frames, but I like them. I do think they’re a little too big for my face. I got them clear because it looks a little less like I’m wearing them.
     Brian Card is going to break up with Kerry Wiggins to go out with Mary Jo. Mary Jo says she feels guilty because Kerry is her friend, but she says this is her dream, to go out with Brian Card. He is cute, but he’s too short for me. I’m about seven inches taller than he is. Bye!!!

*   *   *   *   *

Wednesday, January 22nd, 1992 (Age 13, Evansburg)

My aunt and uncle left this morning. I’m still going to sleep in the playroom tonight.
     I screen-printed a shirt in shop class today. I really like it.

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Friday, January 22nd, 1993 (Age 14, Evansburg)

After exams today Mandy and I went downtown. We ate lunch at a little restaurant and then went shopping. I bought wooden zebra earrings, a picture frame, 10,000 Maniacs' Blind Man's Zoo tape and Michael Penn's March at the used book shop, and material to make barrettes for the girl I babysit.

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Saturday, January 22nd, 1994 (Age 15, Nagasaki, Japan)

There was nothing good to buy at the base today. Go figure. At least it saved me some money.
     It's been a month since I last saw my three "Japanese boyfriends," meaning my dad's friend's son and his buddies. I usually see them at one-month intervals.
     Oh great, I bought a magazine today and I just read my horoscope for the month. It says: "You'll make a decision, like choosing a college, that will change your life." Gee, I wonder what that could mean.

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Sunday, January 22nd, 1995 (Age 16, Nagasaki)

I got my hair layered in the front. I toyed with the idea of getting it all cut off, but I like it long. It makes me look older. I wanted it layered in the back too to get rid of some weight, but the hairdresser didn't understand that part. I also wanted to get my ears pierced a second time but they couldn't do it at the salon. I finally found a jewelry store that sold the do-it-yourself kits, so I pierced them at home. It was easy and didn't hurt, but stupid me decided to change the earrings right away. The back of my ear closed up right away when I removed the earring, so I had to do it again and that hurt. The piercing gun is only made to use once, so I had to manipulate it to do it again. Now that ear is stinging because I had to fool with it a while.

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Monday, January 22nd, 1996 (Age 17, Kobe, Japan)

Sei and I were just talking on the phone about college. He’s decided absolutely not to go to college with me this year because he knows he won’t pass the TOEFL test with a high enough score. But he doesn’t want to go to Japanese college either. I think he should, because then he’ll have one year’s worth of records to show; as it is he only has until eleventh grade. I don’t know if anyone will ever accept a high school dropout, no matter how wonderful and hard-working he is.

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Wednesday, January 22nd, 1997 (Age 18, Exton, New Brunswick)

It's 2:45 a.m. on Thursday morning. I started writing my essay at 10:00 p.m. and just finished it. I don't take too long compared to other people, but then I probably don't get as good grades as they do. I'm just not as smart as I used to be.

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Thursday, January 22nd, 1998 (Age 19, Exton)

It's my last night in this accursed hole. The second person we had found to sublet backed out at the last minute, so I'll still have to pay $300 here for February. The other new person will move in on Saturday.

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Friday, January 22nd, 1999 (Age 20, Exton)

My latest student loan payment came in, so now I'm $2,500 richer. I'll try to save it, but I do need new boots, and white shoes and black pants for work. I'm also having my name put on the contract for our new apartment. Things are good.

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Saturday, January 22nd, 2000 (Age 21, Exton)

I was supposed to go to Todd and Akane's place with everyone else tonight, and I was really looking forward to it. I even gave up on going to the library again because I didn't think I'd make it back in time. Yuko was supposed to pick me up at 8:00. I was all bundled up on the couch, even had my jacket on, but she didn't call till 10:30 and she was already at their house! I said I'd skip it this time because I was already too tired to go. I just can't keep the same hours they do, because they don't have jobs. I wish they would start things at 6:00 and come home by midnight.

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Monday, January 22nd, 2001 (Age 22, Kobe)

I just heard that Mike at work quit suddenly. He was one of the head teachers so I have a feeling he must have had a fight with the owner and it was the last straw. Too bad, because he was a nice guy.

*   *   *   *   *

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002 (Age 23, Kobe)

This is my idea to make more money to supplement the new part-time job: I'm going to teach private lessons at home in the morning, and then go to the new place after 5:00. I'll try to target mothers with young children who usually wouldn't be able to take English lessons. The child can play in the living room while we have our lesson at the dining room table. For 2,500 yen they get a one-hour lesson which takes place in a 90-minute space, allowing time for interruptions. I need to find twelve students. I'm going to advertise in the free paper and some other places. I hope it works out. I have all of February to build up my client base. Now, if only Sei would get off the phone. This month the bill totaled 50,000 yen, and that's just local calls!

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Wednesday, January 22nd, 2003 (Age 24, Kobe)

One of the other teachers brought their cat to school for Pet Week, and he was so nice and quiet! He never moved if we picked him up or held him, but I think he was probably too scared to. Juno would have been squirming and kicking in seconds. He's not afraid of anything.
     There's an informal party for our new boss tonight, but I only have 1,000 yen to my name till Friday so I'm hiding at home, hoping that nobody calls.

*   *   *   *   *

Thursday, January 22nd, 2004 (Age 25, Kobe)

I got a whole stack of cookbooks from the teacher who is leaving, one of which was a Mexican cookbook. I tried some things tonight: stuffed red peppers and fish fritters. Lots of cumin and cardamom! They turned out well. The fritters weren't cooked enough inside but I told Sei they were supposed to be that way.

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Saturday, January 22nd, 2005 (Age 26, Kobe)

A new Cabbage Patch Kid arrived today that I bought off a Nova teacher in Japan. She's my first pacifier kid, and my current favorite. She arrived nude but I dressed her up in a cute little white cardigan and pink jumper and braided her hair. This one is in mint condition except for a few clear scuffs on her face, and she only cost 400 yen. I think she's my cheapest one yet. Even Sei is starting to like my collection, or at least he shows a slight interest.

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Sunday, January 22nd, 2006 (Age 27, Kobe)

Luckily Sei heeded my words and didn't come home last night so I could get a full night's sleep without battling his drunken stupidity, but I still ended up not feeling well today. Who would believe that I prefer not to sleep with my husband -- well, he doesn't actually sleep, does he? He just talks and growls at me and picks on my pets.

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Monday, January 22nd, 2007 (Age 28, Kobe)

Nearly forty-eight hours and still no word from London after Yuji's blurt-out that he loves me and I should forget him. Either he's embarrassed or he was serious. I'll pray tonight that it's the former.

Disclaimer: This blog is a work of non-fiction. Most personal names (except for those of celebrities) and place names have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals.
